Wir managen Ihren Content

Digitales Marketing für Shopping Center

Do you know this one? It’s still Christmas on your website, your last Facebook post is three months old, there are no offers in the app, and your ads are coming to nothing? We are specialized in digital communication for shopping centers and provide daily updated content, offers, news and events. From one system, from one source. Because Content is King Kong.

Digitales Marketing für Ihr Center

Winning customers, retaining customers.


Management of the complete Contents for web, Apps, Social Media, Digital Signage. Development and realisation digital communication for retail.


Improvement of the cross-selling effects and the conversion rate by unification of all digital channels.

Customer loyalty

Generate more traffic, increase customer retention time, increase loyalty and involvement

Our services for your center.

How we increase the interaction with your customers

Social Media Marketing

Content Kreation

Content Akquisition





Increase center traffic and boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Vom Kunden zum Freund Ihres Centers.

Those responsible for communication in shopping centers, the press and marketing specialists are confronted every day with an unmanageable amount of data that must be processed, published and subsequently evaluated for numerous channels.
Our MallCockpit combines the processing of all customer data: Social media data, center events, tenant news, job offers, external advertising partners, campaign motifs, image motifs, videos, legal information, search engine optimization, raffles, mailing campaigns, product databases, dates etc. via channelslike Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, website, mobile page, Google Business, digital routing, product databases, bonus and loyalty programs, newsletters, car navigation devices, multimedia displays, apps, w-lan landing pages and more.

Starke Partnerschaften für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft:

SawatzkiMühlenbruch ist offizieller Google Partner, Technologie-Partner des German Council of Shopping Places und Fördermitglied der
Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
