Social Media Marketing

We control the dialog with your customers.

Social Media Marketing

We offer you a social media strategy tailored to your profile and take over the editorial, media and budget planning with differentiated control and evaluation of the results. Every day we take care of rewarding your fans and acquiring new ones. We actively manage your social media channels, develop, plan and implement creative and targeted campaigns.
Social media should be viewed as a long-term investment. Fan generation takes time. To successfully build up a fan community, all the technical and communicative possibilities that Facebook has in store must be used: Here we offer you a technical solution in the form of apps and editorially managed content.

This includes intensive ad and campaign management and monitoring of the defined goals and KPIs, which we are happy to plan and discuss with you. Because only when the goals are defined can the success (or failure) of a campaign be measured.

Social Monitoring

Through various social monitoring tools, we offer you the opportunity to find out how people are talking about you on the web. We search blogs, rating platforms, social networks, forums and classic online news for your name and create an opinion picture about you, the market and your competitors. Take the chance to learn more about yourself and your online reputation.

A social media campaign only makes sense if you know how you will be received. Valuable insights into the target and interest group ensure a successful approach online.

Starke Partnerschaften für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft:

SawatzkiMühlenbruch als offizieller Google Partner und Fördermitglied der Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
