LED wall Hürth Park

A touch of Hollywood in Hürth

LED video wall heralds new content era

Hürth Park is launching into the future of impressive advertising messages with the new LED Video Wall just in time for the Christmas season: from now on, advertising clips and center information will run on 8 x 5 meters LED screen and in HD in the atrium.

The visual large-scale display is the super tool when it comes to generating visitor attention, sharing targeted information and stirring emotions. Moving mega-images with a personal approach, service tips and relevant offers now reach visitors to Hürths Park in real time. Of course, the stores that can participate in the digital signage system also benefit from the direct line to customers. For the time after Corona, the people of Hürth can look forward to live broadcasts and public viewings.

The owner Deka Immobilien Invest GmbH invested a year of preparation time and extensive preparatory work in the center in the project of the media future until on Sunday, November 8, 2020, a truck-mounted crane with a 70-meter jib lifted the pre-assembled video wall in two parts over the buildings into the atrium.

The extensive review of the statics, the resulting reinforcement of the steel struts in the canopy, quite a bit of electrical and roofing work, and updates to the fire protection measures all paid off. For Peter Kretschmer of Deka Immobilien Invest, his vision of the LED wall "became an extremely attractive way to present the center and its major brands as part of the extensive refurbishment." For him, it was important to remain close to the center's visitors despite all the distance offered and to create anticipation for the convivial time of the public viewings after Corona.

LEDCON Systems and SawatzkiMühlenbruch GMBH, who were jointly responsible for planning and execution, celebrated the completion of the LED video wall live at 11 p.m., which was also a celebratory moment for external marketer Goldbach and technical support SMG. "When the first video then started - already in darkness - I was very impressed. A razor-sharp, bright image in HD quality, a huge statement" is how Dieter Sawatzki, Managing Director of the lead agency, sums up the historic moment.

SawatzkiMühlenbruch captured this impressive moment with spectacular video footage, and created a "making-of" video of the entire installation.

Starke Partnerschaften für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft:

SawatzkiMühlenbruch ist offizieller Google Partner, Technologie-Partner des German Council of Shopping Places und Fördermitglied der
Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
