Feedback terminal

Completely impact synergistic mindshare whereas premium services. Phosfluorescently develop cross-media mindshare rather than leveraged quality vectors.

#morefootfall for your center

Our feedback terminal gives you a spontaneous assessment of your customers' opinions on specific offers in your center. Customers answer a question about their opinion by tapping one of four smileys on the screen. The survey is simple, fast and anonymous. A quick touch with no further questions can capture current opinions and a mood. This opportunity for feedback is readily accepted by your customers.
The question can be entered by you easily and at any time for a period or location you specify. Either select the question from a catalog of questions or formulate your own. Ask your customers about their satisfaction with services, offers or the quality of their stay in the center. Current events or news can also be the reason for a survey.

You can view the current customer feedback at any time or download a summary. The results of the survey provide important information for improvements in services and communication.

Starke Partnerschaften für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft:

SawatzkiMühlenbruch als offizieller Google Partner und Fördermitglied der Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
