Digital Signage

Digitale Wegeführung, Produkt- und Schlagwortsuche

  • Entwickler:Birim Karaustaoglu, Saad Badr
  • Jahr:2010

The MallCockpit Suite is the result of detailed process analyses and our competent and innovative development team. Through the system, which was especially developed for shopping centers, we have automated many time-consuming processes in media planning and content distribution.

With the help of interface solutions, we integrate our digital signage systems into your existing networks, for example. In doing so, we attach great importance to not influencing the structures you already have and to avoid sensitive areas.

With all developments, our primary concern is to profitably integrate the trends in your sense into your communication models. We can also play games - but mainly we want to stimulate the interaction with your customers. This way your customers will enjoy the information and you will get the most out of it.

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SawatzkiMühlenbruch ist offizieller Google Partner, Technologie-Partner des German Council of Shopping Places und Fördermitglied der
Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland
